The CAUT Almanac of Post-Secondary Education in Canada is your source for the most current statistical information available on post-secondary education in Canada. The Almanac provides statistics on university and college finances; academic staff salaries and gender; student enrolment and graduation rates; student-teacher ratios; university research funding; and national, provincial, and international comparisons.
Almanac Archives
*For previous editions of the Almanac, please click here.
Table of Contents
Technical Notes
Excel Files
All tables and figures are available as downloadable Microsoft Excel files.
Unless otherwise noted, the definitions below reflect the population universe used when referenced in the tables.
College: Includes community college or institute of applied arts and technology or CEGEP.
Post-secondary: Includes university, community college or institute of applied arts and technology or CEGEP, and trade/vocational schools, but excludes business/commercial schools.
italics : Estimated results
p: Preliminary estimate
r: Revised estimate
-: No results or results unavailable
--: Results statistically insignificant
x: Results suppressed for confidentiality
E Use with caution
FTE = Full-time equivalent [(full-time figures) plus (part-time figures divided by 3.5)]
FYE = Fiscal year ending
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
SSHRC = Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
NSERC = Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
CIHR = Canadian Institutes of Health Research
CFI = Canada Foundation for Innovation
Throughout the CAUT Almanac of Post-Secondary Education, reference is often made to dollars adjusted for inflation. The format followed (for example, $ 2013) indicates the year to which all other years have been standardized