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COVID-19 and the Academic Workplace - Resources for Members


COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, universities and colleges have been forced to take measures that have, amongst other things, affected the working conditions of academic and general staff, teachers and students. Below are some measures that have been initiated.

Masking Policies
(November 2022)

CAUT has compiled a database of current masking policies at approximately 120 Canadian universities and colleges whose academic staff are members of CAUT.

In brief, as of November 29, 2022, 29 colleges and universities (or 24%) require that masks be worn in instructional spaces such as lecture theaters, classrooms, laboratories, and studios. Only 15 institutions (or 12%) require masking in libraries. This represents about half of institutions with a mask policy. Typically, masks may be removed when seated in study spaces.

French-speaking universities in pandemic times
(February 26, 2021)
From apprehended crisis to critical emergency, the Francophone University is facing the pandemic.

Forum (Feb 26)
Transcripts (Feb 26)
 CAUT townhall explores growing pressures on francophone post-secondary institutions (Feb 2021)

Re-opening Campuses: Fall/Winter semester
CAUT is tracking institutional plans for delivery of courses during the pandemic.

Vaccine requirements should be considered for safe return to campus (August 10, 2021)
Fall 2021 Semester Plans Summary
Fall semester Plans Summary (Sept 2020)
Campus re-opening Plans Database
Checklist for assessing re-opening plans
Template Mandatory Vaccination Policy


Impact of the Pandemic on Post-Secondary Teachers & Staff
CAUT surveyed its members, using crowdsourcing data collection, between May 13 and June 12, 2020. (Aug 2020) // Read

COVID-19 and the Impact on Students
A new survey shows a significant number of students are reconsidering their plans for university and college in the fall. (May 2020) // Read


Actions to advance equity during Covid-19

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified inequities in the academic workplace. To help address equity issues on campus exacerbated by COVID-19, CAUT offers the following suggestions to member associations. (Aug 2020)

Coronavirus hits Campus - Special Bulletin

  • Staff and students had to quickly adapt to emergency remote teaching, leaving many frustrated and anxious. (May-June 2020)

Townhall Series

  • CAUT webinars highlight impact of COVID-19 on academic work.
    (June 2020)

Remote Teaching during a Pandemic

  • As universities and colleges develop plans for the 2020-21 academic year, many are preparing for the continuation of remote instruction either fully or in part. (May 2020)

Guidelines for re-opening of Campuses

  • As the federal and provincial governments consider easing the emergency restrictions put in place to limit the spread of COVID-19, colleges and universities across the country are developing plans for their operations in the fall. (May 2020)

Federal Advocacy

CAUT advocates for the inclusion of academic staff and students in emergency supports as well as for strong investments in research and post-secondary education as key to recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • CAUT has provided guidance on how associations should respond to the most common issues and questions. (Dec 2020)

COVID-19 Income Support Measures

  • Where the employer is not providing adequate income protection, federal income support measures may provide some relief. (Dec 2020)

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