Field Guide to CAUT
CAUT works with associations across the country, bringing national and international perspectives to help solve local challenges. CAUT also brings local priorities to the national agenda, and together we’ve influenced federal policy and investments in research and post-secondary education.
Guide to Acknowledging First Peoples & Traditional Territory
The CAUT Guide to Acknowledging Traditional Territory provides the territorial acknowledgment appropriate for each local region in which CAUT has member associations.
Guidebook for Academic Staff Working Abroad
With the growth in cross-border education, more staff are opting to work temporarily overseas. Before packing your bags, however, be aware that there are important employment, professional and personal issues that you'll need to consider.
Handbook for Negotiating Starting Salaries
Starting salaries and other terms for many academic positions are often negotiated on an individual basis. This can put some candidates at a disadvantage and perpetuate inequities in the academy. This newly-updated handbook is intended to help candidates negotiate a fair deal.
Health & Safety
CAUT is committed to ensuring that all academic staff enjoy a healthy and safe workplace. We provide advice to member associations on occupational health and safety issues, assist in determining the nature and extent of workplace hazards, find solutions to eliminate problems and develop strong collective agreement language to protect members.
Revised Guidelines for Academic Staff on the Use of Copyrighted Material
Recent changes to the Copyright Act and new licensing agreements have created confusion over what rights academic staff have to use and reproduce copyrighted material for education and research puruposes. CAUT's guidelines provide some pratical advice of what you can and can't do.
Teaching Dossier
Have to prepare a teaching dossier and don't know where to start? This guide explains what a teaching dossier is and shows you how to create one.
What is Fair?
Through a series of questions and answers, this guide provides general guidance on the procedural components of peer review as well as the ethical and professional obligations of those who participate in peer evaluations.