(Ottawa – June 8, 2021) The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), representing 72,000 academic faculty and staff at 125 universities across Canada, stands in solidarity with the people of London, Ontario and Muslims across Canada reeling from the mass murder of four out of five members of the Afzaal family on Sunday night.
“We stand united to express our heartfelt condolences for the tragic and senseless loss of four Canadians who were the targets of a terrorist act fuelled by incomprehensible hatred and violence,” says Brenda Austin-Smith, CAUT’s President. “Your loss is our loss; your family is our family. No Canadian should ever have to be afraid to walk the streets of their community.”
CAUT joins the University of Western Ontario’s Faculty Association in condemning this horrific mass murder fueled by racism xenophobia and bigotry. Universities and colleges draw a diverse range of academics, staff and students to their campuses; this crisis is being deeply felt by the University community in London, Ontario and on campuses across the country.
“Everyone must be able to live and work free of discrimination and violence,” says David Robinson, CAUT’s Executive Director. “But that is only the starting point. Together, we must do more to end the scourge of hate and white supremacy. We affirm our commitment to ensuring that all universities and colleges are safe, equitable and inclusive environments where all people can learn and thrive.”