(Ottawa – May 20, 2021) The termination of four senior librarians and elimination of two other library positions at OCAD University raises red flags that the University’s administration is not respecting principles of collegial governance as it moves forward with restructuring plans for its library.
In a letter to OCADU President Ana Serrano, CAUT President Brenda Austin-Smith and CAUT Executive Director David Robinson, noted, “the reorganization was done without meaningful consultation that included librarians amounts to a devaluing of the skills and knowledge librarians bring to the institution. Lay offs seriously deplete very important expertise.”
The University notified the librarians they were being laid off on May 4, effective on June 1st.
CAUT urges President Serrano to pause the restructuring plans and reinstate the four librarians until there has been a thorough review of best practices and community needs. CAUT also calls on OCADU to involve the University’s librarians, faculty and students in any major reorganization.