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CAUT launches national survey of contract academic staff

(Ottawa – 22 September, 2017) The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) has launched a national survey of contract academic staff (CAS) at Canadian universities, colleges and polytechnics.

The study seeks to understand the working experiences of the thousands of academic staff who are hired to teach on a temporary basis every year, in order to help improve their employment conditions and inform public policy.

“Ever-growing numbers of teachers at Canada’s colleges and universities are trapped in precarious contract and part-time work, creating serious implications not just for CAS, but for regular academic staff and students,” says CAUT Director of Research and Political Action, Pam Foster. “CAUT has launched this survey because it’s important we learn more about the impacts of casualization.”

The survey is open until November 1st to people who had a teaching contract at a polytechnic, college or university in Canada in 2016/17.


Media contact:
Lisa Keller, Communications Officer, Canadian Association of University Teachers
(o) 613-726-5186 (c) 613-222-3530