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Contract Academic Staff Conference

October 20, 2023 at 9:00am - October 21, 2023 at 5:00pm

CAUT Contract Academic Conference 2023

A Seat at the Table: A Strong Voice for Better Working Conditions for Contract Academic Staff

Friday, October 20 and Saturday, October 21, 2023 / Delta Hotel Ottawa City Centre

Conference Overview

Despite their significant contributions as professionals, practitioners, and researchers, contract academic staff are often marginalized from collegial decision-making bodies and the broader academic community. To ensure fairness and better working conditions, contract academic staff need to have a seat at the table – whether that’s at departmental committees, Senates, Boards, or in bargaining.

Join contract academic staff colleagues from across the country as we explore how the voices of contract academic staff should be included in governance and decision-making bodies, and within our academic staff associations. The conference will also be an opportunity to discuss ongoing and emerging issues facing contract academic staff and provide participants with the skills and resources needed to run effective campaigns for change.

The conference program is available here.


Registration is now open. Please complete the registration form by clicking on the button below.

* Registration fee includes: Continental Breakfasts, Lunches and Reception.

Hotel Accommodation

Participants are required to make their own hotel reservations directly with the Delta Hotel Ottawa City Centre. Reservations should be made no later than October 4, 2023. 

Hotel reservations can be made online or by contacting the Delta Ottawa Hotel (1-888-236-2427) and mentioning the “CAUT” or code ‘CUY’, to obtain the preferred rate of $199.00 per night (traditional room).

CAUT Meeting Policies:

CAUT Anti-harassment and Non-Discrimination Statement

A Scent-free Work Environment


If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Anne-Marie Roy, Senior Organizing & Education Officer, at 613-820-2270 ext.182 or by email at