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Equity Officers Forum

May 30, 2025 at 9:00am - May 31, 2025 at 5:00pm

Westin Hotel, Ottawa, May 30-31, 2025
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)


This inaugural annual Forum brings together member association equity representatives from across the country, providing opportunities to meet peers from other associations and build networks of contacts and support. Through plenary sessions and group work, forum attendees will share high level discussion and strengthen skills to support associations in their efforts to advance equity.


The Forum Agenda will be available soon.


Registration is now open! Please complete the online registration form by clicking on the button below.

Registration deadline is April 30, 2025.


CAUT will cover the transportation cost for one representative per association. If your association wishes to send more than one representative, additional in-person participants may be able to attend at their own cost subject to space availability. Please contact Marcel Roy at for assistance.

For details on expenses covered by CAUT, please refer to the following policies:

Reimbursement of Participants’ Expenses for CAUT Forums
Payment Policy for Care of Dependants
Travel Procedures

Transportation should be booked early to take advantage of the lowest fares. Bookings must be made by April 30, 2025. Requests for transportation after this date will require approval and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.

Travel Reservations

Reservations must be made directly with CAUT̓s travel agency, Corporate Traveller. Corporate Traveller will require the booking code 23508 to make reservations and bill CAUT directly.

Corporate Traveller Reservations 

English Service Contact: Stacey Thompson
Phone: 1-613-236-2444

French service contact: Tony Polito
Phone: 1-514-284-6333

Hotel Reservations

Delegates are required to make their own hotel reservations directly with the Westin Ottawa. Hotel reservations must be made by April 30, 2025.

Hotel reservations can be made online or by contacting the Westin Ottawa at (1-888-236-2427) and mentioning the "Forum for Equity Officers" to obtain the negotiated rate of $289.00/night (Traditional guest room).

CAUT Meeting Policies

CAUT Anti-harassment and Non-Discrimination Statement
A Scent-free Work Environment


If you have any questions about the Forum, please do not hesitate to contact Mylene Freeman, CAUT Education Officer, at or by phone at 613-726-5166. 

Questions regarding registration and travel should be directed to Marcel Roy, CAUT Meeting and Event Planner, by e-mail at  or by phone at 613-726-5167.