Terms of Reference
1. Mandate
The Governance Committee is appointed by and reports to the Executive Committee of CAUT. Its purpose is to advise the CAUT Executive on issues, policies, and initiatives relating to governance at universities and colleges.
2. Membership
a) Members of the Governance Committee, including a chair or co-chairs, are appointed by the Executive Committee, normally at its first meeting immediately following the Spring Council.
b) Members shall be selected according to demonstrated experience relevant to the Committee’s mandate and its ongoing or anticipated initiatives. Membership shall reflect the diversity of CAUT in so far as possible along regional, size and type of institution, employment category, linguistic, gender, and equity lines.
3. Mode of Operation
The Committee shall meet regularly, normally by remote means. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, there may be provisions for in-person meetings as the need determines.
4. Reporting
a) The Committee shall report regularly to the Executive Committee through its chair or co-chairs.
b) The Committee shall prepare written reports to Council at the direction of the Executive Committee.
5. Resources
The Executive Director shall designate staff to provide administrative support, as well as to provide advice and support as appropriate with respect to ongoing and anticipated Committee activities and initiatives.
Approved by the CAUT Executive, September 2022.