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CAUT staff appointments

CAUT staff appointments

Mona Chevalier
Collective Bargaining Officer
Mona Chevalier
Mona joined CAUT in November 2018. She holds an undergraduate degree in psychology and a master’s degree in education, with a specialization in counselling, from the University of Ottawa. Mona brings a wealth of bargaining experience from a variety of previous positions, including as union steward and a member of the provincial bargaining team for the Ontario Public Service Employees Union college faculty, and most recently as president of OPSEU Local 470 at La Cité collégiale in Ottawa.


Andrea Stuart
Professional Officer, Research & Political Action

Andrea has a longstanding commitment to advocating for both post-secondary education and labour in Ottawa. She has a strong background in government relations, policy and political work, including advocacy and research related to equity, diversity and inclusion. Andrea worked most recently as government relations officer for Universities Canada. She previously worked as a researcher and government relations assistant for the International Union of Operating Engineers, and as a graduate student for three summers between 2012 and 2014 she worked for CAUT. Andrea holds an MA from the University of Toronto.


February 2019

The Matilda Effect

First described in the 1800s, but not officially named until 1993, the Matilda Effect continues... Read more
February 2019

Book review / A Marxist education: Learning to change the world

Wayne Au. Haymarket Books, 018; 305 pp; ISBN: 978-1-60846-905-5. By Howard A. Doughty Wayne Au... Read more