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News / Academic staff at Renison University College join CAUT

News / Academic staff at Renison University College join CAUT

CAUT Council delegates voted April 26 to accept the membership application of the newly-formed Renison Association of Academic Staff, representing 35 regular faculty at Renison University College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo.

Earlier this year the board of governors of Renison Univer­sity College recognized the association as the exclusive bargain-ing agent for regular staff, inclusive of academic staff with an appointment of one year or longer and with the status of lecturer, assistant, associate or full professor, as well as academic librarians.

“The RAAS constitution was adopted on Feb. 12, 2018, and a motion to affiliate with CAUT was passed unanimously by the membership,” said Renison association president Kristina Llewellyn. “We are excited to be a part of CAUT and pleased the organizational members supported our application.”

Renison joins 85 other academic staff associations and three federated organizations in CAUT membership.


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