Reciprocal Membership Agreement Between The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and The Norwegian Association of Research Workers (NARW)
Recognising the close relationship between the parties to the agreement in our work at international level, the attached agreement provides for members of our organizations to benefit directly from this relationship through individual services and participation.
The agreement provides for arrangements whereby members of one organization can benefit from services provided by the others should they take up a post in a university, institution of higher education or institution of research in that country.
Members will be offered the status of Guest Membership in Norway and Individual Associate Membership in Canada while working for a period of up to two years in institutions wherein the parties to this agreement have recognition. They will have advice on contracts of employment, informal representation if required, and access to financial and other services normally available.
Both parties to this agreement recommend that academic and related staff should be members of the appropriate home organization, but this agreement will enable those who are resident for a limited period, or who are uncertain as to longer term plans, to benefit from membership of the main trade organization recognised for university or research staff in each country.
The Agreement
1. This agreement represents a reciprocal agreement between the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and the Norwegian Association of Research Workers (NARW) which provides for services to be made available to members of each organization (hereafter termed the host organization) when working temporarily at universities or other higher education institutions or research institutions where the host organization is recognized.
2. For the purposes of this agreement members will be referred to as Guest Members of the NARW and Individual Associate Members of CAUT. For simplicity the term "Guest" is used throughout this document.
3. The CAUT will recommend to CAUT members who are Guest Members at an institution at which NARW is recognized that the appropriate union to join is the NARW. The NARW will recommend to NARW members who are visiting faculty at an institution at which there is an active CAUT member association that they participate in the association if this is possible.
4. If members are not direct members of the organizations who are signatories to this agreement, but belong to associate organizations, then it is agreed to recommend to those host organizations that they accept Guest Members in accordance with this agreement.
5. Guest Members remain members of their home organization and continue to pay appropriate fees. They will become registered as Guest Members with the host organization who will inform the home organization of their registration.
6. This agreement does not provide for full membership in respect of Guest Members, but all undertake to provide services and facilities to Associated Members who work in higher education in the host country for a limited period of not more than two years as set out below.
7. Members working in an institution of higher education in one of the countries in this agreement where the host organization is recognized for academic and academic-related staffs will have access to the following benefits.
7.1 When members are arranging to visit and are seeking advice they will be directed towards the host organization which will then provide information, advice and informal representation, if required, to determine the terms of the contract of employment of the Guest Member, and any other employment issues arising from the appointment. Such assistance may be provided either by the appropriate full-time official, or the officers of the appropriate host organization.
7.2 Guest Members will have access to any financial services available to members of the host organization, subject to any limitations required by the providers of such services.
7.3 Branches or local associations of the host organizations may, at their absolute discretion, invite Guest Members to attend general meetings and take part in discussions.
7.4 Guest Members will not vote on any policy matter or take part in elections for local or national offices of the host organization.
7.5 Guest Members who do not become Full Members cannot take part in ballots concerning industrial action, nor can they take part in industrial action following such a ballot. If employers include a Guest Member in a lock-out action, discussions will take place between the two organizations concerned, and agreement sought on liability for compensation costs.
7.6 Guest Members will not have an automatic entitlement to professional legal advice and representation. Where a significant legal principle is identified by the National Executive of the host organization, discussions will take place between the two organizations concerned, and agreement sought on liability for costs arising from any legal advice or representation. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause does not override the residual discretion of the National Executives of the host organizations to decide whether or not to provide legal advice or representations.
7.7 Guest Members may only take part in any national activities of the host organization by specific invitation from an appropriate official.
7.8 If the host organization is running an unemployment fund exclusively for its members, Guest Members cannot become members of such a fund.
7.9 Individual associate members from the Norwegian Association of Research Workers (NARW) working in Canada may appeal to CAUT if they consider that their Canadian employer has infringed their professional rights. CAUT will decide whether or not to provide advice or service or representation to the associate member in accordance with its normal procedures.
8. All parties agree to promote this agreement as the Transnational Higher Education Guest Membership Scheme.
9. The cost of services provided by the host organizations to Guest Members will be borne by the host organization in consideration for similar services provided to members of each of the organizations which are party to this reciprocal agreement.
10. This agreement will last for three years from the date of signing. During the three years the organizations agree to record and monitor the number of Guest Members who receive benefits under the agreement, and provide a breakdown of the same by name, type of service and cost, where this can be determined on an annual basis. This agreement may be extended for a further period by mutual agreement at the end of the three-year term.
11. This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving the other six months' written notice. At the end of the period no Guest Member may receive any further benefits under the terms of this agreement.
November 2003