The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) is calling on the Administration of the Université Sainte-Anne to end the ongoing labour dispute by entering binding arbitration with the Association des Professeurs, Professeures et Bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA).
“It’s irresponsible of the University to sacrifice the ability of students to finish their term,” said CAUT President Brenda Austin-Smith. “The University has refused throughout the negotiations to engage in serious discussions and is now trying to dictate rather than negotiate a new collective agreement in good faith.”
Austin-Smith added that is particularly troubling that the University refuses to allow an independent arbitrator to help resolve issues related to collegial governance, a principle that is foundational to all universities in Canada.
“Academic staff must be involved in decision-making about educational matters. This is the practice and norm at every university in Canada. Academic staff must be given the responsibility for academic matters because their judgment is central to ensuring the right educational decisions are taken,” said Austin-Smith.
Austin-Smith notes that by refusing to allow an arbitrator to resolve the impasse, the University is prolonging the job action into the last two weeks of the winter semester.
Members of the Association des Professeurs, Professeures et Bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne (APPBUSA) went on strike on March 3 to fight for better working conditions, pay equity with academic staff across the province, and a healthier working relationship between academic staff and the administration. APPBUSA began its first ever strike on March 3, after eight months of bargaining, with 93% of members voting in favour of strike action.