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News / Carleton on probation

News / Carleton on probation

At its last meeting of 2017, CAUT Council considered a motion of censure against the administration of Carleton University because the university’s board of governors’ “code of conduct” suppresses the academic freedom of faculty representatives, and runs contrary to principles of openness and transparency needed for governing a public institution. Ahead of the Council meeting in November, the university administration committed to proposed changes to the code but the revisions have yet to be adopted by the board. After a lengthy debate, Council delegates adopted a motion to censure Carleton by Jan. 31, 2018 if the revisions to the board’s code of conduct as presented to CAUT Council on Nov. 25 are not implemented.


January 2018

Lost in the metrics

Metrics. Whether it’s the rankings of universities and colleges, or the bibliometric assessment... Read more
January 2018

President’s message / The struggles for change in 2017

by James Compton “Plus ça change, plus c’est pareil — the more things change, the more they stay... Read more
January 2018

News / Niagara off the hook, for now

A motion of censure concerning Niagara College’s operations took centre stage at CAUT’s November... Read more