CAUT Policy Statement
The Problem
The integrity of programs offered by post-secondary institutions requires the full protection of the academic freedom of academic staff who participate in these programs.
Canadian post-secondary institutions normally have protections for academic freedom through collective agreements and/or policies that are basically consistent with CAUT policies1.
Although in most Canadian post-secondary institutions academic freedom is protected by collective agreements or policies that are consistent with CAUT principles, and academic freedom is considered an essential aspect and enabler of academic activity, some Canadian post-secondary institutions nevertheless fail to provide this protection. For example, institutions that require faith tests as a condition of initial and/or continuing employment thereby impose forms of institutional censorship that are inconsistent with academic freedom as defined by both the accepted academic norm and by CAUT policy.
CAUT Policy:
No post-secondary institution should enter into any joint programs with another university or college where the academic staff in those programs do not enjoy fully protected academic freedom.
Approved by the CAUT Council, November 2013.