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Reimbursement of Participants’ Expenses for CAUT Forums

CAUT will reimburse academic staff associations for the cost of travel for one designated participant to attend CAUT forums. Reimbursable costs include travel by air, train, bus or automobile from the city of origin to Ottawa and return. Transfers by taxi or bus, from home to the terminal, or from the terminal to the Forum location, are not reimbursed.

Participants must use unionized air carriers and hotels unless there is no other option available. In an effort to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, committee members should book direct flights and flights on fuel-efficient planes whenever possible. Members travelling within 300 kilometers of Ottawa are encouraged to use available rail, bus, public transportation, or carpooling options.

Travel by Air
Air travel must be booked through CAUT’s travel agency, Corporate Traveller in Ottawa. Fares will be charged directly to the CAUT account and paid by CAUT. Participants will be responsible for any fees and extra costs incurred if they request changes to travel booked, except in emergency situations and approved by the Executive Director.

In extraordinary circumstances, such as when a participant is combining travel to the CAUT Forum with university business, and with prior approval from CAUT, the air travel (or a pro-rated portion) will be reimbursed to the association.

Travel by Train or Bus
Bookings for travel by train or bus are to be handled on an individual basis and submitted to CAUT for reimbursement through the association.

Travel by Automobile
CAUT will reimburse participants, through the academic staff association, for personal use of automobiles based on the current mileage rate. The amount of reimbursement for mileage shall not exceed the lowest airfare available at the time of the meeting.

Travel Accident Insurance
CAUT has a general travel accident policy that covers individuals travelling on CAUT business on the following basis:

  • Under the age of 70: coverage of a maximum of $500,000 per person, per incident, depending on the severity of the claim.
  • 70 years old +: coverage of a maximum of $100,000 per person, per incident, depending on the severity of the claim.

Trip Cancellation
In the event that a participant has booked air travel through CAUT’s travel agency and then is subsequently unable to attend the forum, the following policy shall apply:

  1. In the event of (1) an emergency medical condition involving the participant, or a member of the participant’s immediate family, requiring the care of a physician or hospitalization, or (2) the death of an immediate family member, CAUT will bear the cost of the ticket upon receipt of a letter from the physician or hospital;
  2. In the event that the participant is required to return home early for the reasons outlined in 1.5 (a) above, requiring a change in the travel itinerary, CAUT will cover the cost of the change fee, if made through its travel agency;
  3. In the event of cancellation or a change in itinerary for any other reason (e.g. workload, personal reasons), CAUT will bill the association for the cost of the ticket.

Accommodations & Per Diem
CAUT will pay for the cost of hotel accommodations and the approved per diem rate for each day of the event, subject to the following:;

  1. A maximum of 3 nights accommodation and 3 days per diem.
  2. Meals provided by CAUT will be deducted from the daily per diem rate.
  3. The total cost for accommodation and the per diem less meals provided, for the number of days at the meeting will be reduced by $1 per member, per day, based on the number of members paid for by the academic staff association in the month prior to the event.

Dependant Care
Participants may apply for reimbursement of costs associated with providing alternative care for dependants that rely primarily upon the participant for physical care, up to the maximum number of days specified in 2.0 above. Notice of such arrangements, including an estimate of the costs, must be made to the CAUT office at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the event on the form circulated with the meeting materials.

Approved by the CAUT Council, May 2015;
Editorial revisions, April 2021;
Editorial revisions, August 2023;
Editorial revisions, February 2024;
Editorial revisions, September 2024.