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Briefs & Reports

Starting salaries and other terms for many academic positions are often negotiated on an individual basis. This can put some candidates at a disadvantage and perpetuate inequities in the academy. The newly-updated Handbook for Negotiating Starting Salaries is intended to supplement the assistance provided by academic staff associations and help candidates negotiate a fair deal.
In its Budget 2018, the federal government announced a new Parental Leave Sharing Benefit. It also made permanent the Working While on a Claim pilot project, which allows persons collecting EI to retain a portion of their benefits to supplement income earned from employment. The purpose of this advisory is to provide background and details on the changes to EI benefits to assist CAUT’s member associations when dealing with the matter.
Respectful Workplace policies can present a significant threat to academic freedom. These policies typically go well beyond what is required by anti-harassment law by requiring all members of the university community to act in accordance with poorly-defined notions of “civility” and “politeness”. This Advisory replaces an earlier discussion paper and provides an overview of the development and implementation of these policies, the damage they may cause, and steps that associations can take to negate their harmful impact.
This report examines the policies, codes of conduct, by-laws, and legislation that govern the Boards at thirty-one Canadian universities in order to assess the representation and rights of academic staff who serve as governors.
The Liberal government delivered its third budget in February 2018. It commits to significant investments in research and science, with historic increases to Tri-Council base funding for basic research.
