CAUT welcomes this report of the Advisory Panel on Federal Support for Fundamental Science. It is a thoughtful and comprehensive study that correctly diagnoses problems that have plagued basic science for over a decade. The Panel’s recommendations, if implemented, will chart a strong future for science and research in Canada.
Briefs & Reports
Post-secondary education (PSE) is increasingly an integral component of economic well-being. Women are now completing post-secondary education at higher rates than men. However, barriers to economic security exist for women at all levels of educational attainment. This brief provides an overview of three of these barriers and the impacts on our members.
Knowing how to read and analyze your institution’s financial statements is the best way to understand how much money your college or university has and how that money is spent. CAUT’s Guide to Analyzing University & College Financial Statements, written by Profs. Cameron and Janet Morrill of the University of Manitoba, is a step-by-step guide to assist academic staff associations.
Compassionate care leave and benefits were introduced in 2003/04 to help employees cope with this difficult work-life balance challenge. Collective agreements have been renegotiated to provide access to compassionate care leave and, sometimes, to supplement compassionate care benefits.
Increasingly, university and college administrators are contracting out their institutions’ operational IT needs. Specifically, this means moving from an IT system with a server based at the institution with an in house IT support staff to a cloud based system outside the institution where most of the staff resources are provided by the cloud provider.