We surveyed 2,521 Canadians aged 18 years and older from May 24 to 29. Here’s some of what they told us. Find more survey data and analysis on pages 31-32.
Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
From what you can remember about your college or university experience, would you say you had...
Would you recommend or encourage your child to attend or enroll in a college or university when they are able to do so?
College and university educations should be affordable for all Canadians
How important is it to you, personally, that colleges and universities remain publicly funded by provincial and federal governments?
Full question
As you may know, most colleges and universities in Canada are public institutions which receive funding from provincial and federal governments.
In situations where funding from provincial and federal governments decreases, colleges and universities will often increase tuition fees to make up for the differences in funding they would have received.
From what you know or have heard, how important is it to you, personally, that colleges and universities remain publicly funded by provincial and federal governments?