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Policy on CAUTLib Listserv


CAUTLIB is an electronic mail distribution list (listserv) of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT).

Purpose of CAUTLIB

CAUTLIB facilitates discussion of topics of interest to academic librarians and archivists at Canadian universities and colleges. List members share information about what is happening at the local, provincial, national and international level, and participate in developing strategies to deal with issues of concern to academic librarians and archivists across the country. The listserv is not to be used for job postings, for personal research purposes or for the service of other organizations.

CAUTLIB is a bilingual discussion group and correspondence is encouraged in French or English.

List Management

Participation in this list is open to librarians, archivists, and other academic staff nominated by CAUT member academic staff associations. Associations are reminded annually to update their recommendations for list membership, and nominations can be forwarded at any time to

The list is unmoderated. Any messages inappropriate for general distribution should not be posted. Participants should be aware that any messages posted or replies to messages posted are automatically distributed to all those on the list. Anyone wishing to communicate to individuals on the list is encouraged to send a private message, rather than utilizing CAUTLIB. Any participants who post material found to be defamatory or who violate any list rules will be removed from the list.

For more information about this list contact Caroline Lachance.